
“NGU”-Never Give Up的縮寫, “永不放棄”是人生追求的態度, “NGU”可以令你變得強大, 可以把難題解決, 可以讓沒可能變成可能, 可以改變你的人生.

“Muay Thai”泰拳, 一種本來給人暴力而遙不可及的運動, 但其實除了在擂台上肉搏外, 泰拳更適合一般人用來鍛鍊身體及意志, 修身, 減壓, 增加自信! 在歐美及亞洲地區例如日本, 韓國, 中國和香港等, 早已是其中一種適合男女老幼的主流運動.

NGU Muay Thai Fitness 希望把這股泰拳風帶到台灣, 讓有興趣接觸泰拳的人有體驗的機會, 如果你想找一種有趣又可以爆汗的運動, 快來NGU體驗一下!, 我們專業的泰籍教練會因應學生的需要, 提供最有效而有樂趣的訓練. 我們位處台北東區的中心, 交通方便, 配合簡潔的環境, 提供男女及女士訓練.

About Us

“NGU” – the short form of Never Give Up, is an important life attitude which we all strive to achieve. It can empower you, solve your difficulties, make everything from impossible to possible, and most importantly, be life changing.

Traditionally, Muay Thai was being perceived as a fierce and unreachable sport. However, it has evolved into an activity that can train you mentally and physically, get your body into shape, release the stress from work and increase your confidence. It has become a popular trend in US/Europe and Asia (including Japan, Korea, China and HK) among different age groups and genders.

Now it’s time for us to bring Muay Thai to Taiwan so that you won’t miss out on the opportunity to try this exciting sport! If you want to sweat and lose weight in a fun manner, NGU Muay Thai Fitness is your ultimate choice! Our professional Thai trainers will design tailor-made exercises to cater for every individual’s needs, subject to their abilities. Our studio is neat and tidy, open to both men and women, and located at the centre of the Taipei Eastern suburb with easy access to transportation. So what are you waiting for?!